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Our Genie Score™ reduces Portfolio at Risk by 45% and can be used with or without traditional credit scores.

OUR SOLUTION__________________

“InsightGenie brought unprecedented stability to our workforce, dramatically reducing employee churn, minimizing hiring costs, and enhancing project eficiency. All at a very reasonable price point.”

President, Strongbond

Individual risk assessment

Incorporating voice and social media analysis, we can improve traditional credit scores or negate the need altogether.

​@ More tailored analysis increases loan approval by 20%
@ Easily integrate with traditional credit scores or other financial data

MSME risk assessment

Open up access to even the smallest enterprises by incorporating behaviour, industry and social data.

@ Prosodic voice analysis enables assessments in any language
@ Up to 64% reduction in loan default

FACE ANALYSIS – Average Accuracy: 96%


  • Heart Rate
  • Respiration Rate
  • Blood Pressure/Systolic
  • Blood Pressure/Diastolic
  • SPO2 (Oxygen Saturation)
  • Heart Rate Variability/Interbeat Interval
  • Heart Rate Variability/Standard Deviation of NN intervals (SDNN)
  • Heart Rate Variability/Root mean square of successive RR interval differences (RMSSD)
  • Stress Index
  • Cancer Mortality
  • Smoke/Alcohol Consumption Status

Calculations Based on Measurements

  • Cardiovascular Disease Risk
  • Cardiovascular Disease Risk/Stroke
  • Cardiovascular Disease Risk/Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
  • Cardiovascular Disease Risk/Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
  • Cardiovascular Disease Risk/Intermittent Claudication (IC)
  • Hypertension
  • Stroke Probability
  • Heart Attack
  • Hypertensive Response to Exercise (HRE)
  • COVID Risk
  • Holistic Health – Cardiac Workload
  • Holistic Health – Pulse Respiratory Quotient
  • Holistic Health – General Wellness

BODY ANALYSIS – Average Accuracy: 97.5%


  • Waist – Hip Ratio
  • Waist – Height Ratio
  • Waist Circumference

Calculations Based on Measurements

  • ​Composition – Body Fat%
  • Health Risks – Obesity
  • Health Risks – Central Obesity
  • Health Risks – Pre-diabetes
  • Health Risks – Diabetes


Loan Default​


​Tendency to be cooperative, responsive, follow rules, respect agreements, compro- mise, seek for positive outcome, work together towards a common outcome.

Emotional Stability

Tendency to cope well, better handle stress, be stable at job and personal life.
Tendency to be future oriented, anticipate risks, take suitable precautions, plan appropriately, cope more actively in face of a crisis.

Burnout Potential

​Worn-out state of mind, low energy, low coping resources, less stress tolerance, less stable at job and personal life


Tendency to react to perceived circumstances, less concerned by formal obligations, take calculated risks, can stretch borders. An opportunist seizes every opportunity to improve things for himself, often at the expense of ethics or morals.

Openness / Discipline

​Tendency to be less structured, less involved in details, less stable; impractical, trending towards untruthful assessment of situations

​Mental Health Screening and Remote Patient Monitoring

General Well-being

​A measurement combining all of our wellness scores: stress, energy, emotional state, social state, and coping.


A measurement of the predicted risk status of a patient’s mental health specific to depression (sad mood, loss of interest). The score averages the recordings from the last 5 interactions.


​Burnout is a response to emotional and interpersonal stressors on the job, and items surrounding the work environment, including a sense of exhaustion and detachment. The score averages the recordings from the last 5 interactions.


​The predicted risk for employee attrition. It combines the burnout score with other predicted behaviour scores, such as stability and commitment. The score averages the recordings from the last 5 interactions.


​The degree to which you feel overwhelmed or unable to cope as a result of pressures that are unmanageable. We provide a daily (single data point) score for this dimension


​A measurement of activity, power, and physical vitality. We provide a daily (single data point) score for this dimension.

Emotional State

A measurement of current internal emotional attitude: positive, negative, hopeful, sad, optimistic, or pessimistic. We provide a daily (single data point) score for this dimension.

Social State

Reflects current social involvement: communication, responsiveness, and outgoing attitude. We provide a daily (single data point) score for this dimension.


The Coping mechanism reflects inner capabilities: problem solving, adaptability, planning. We provide a daily (single data point) score for this dimension.

Sales Conversion


Calculated buying tendency: focus on information gathering, details, comparisons, evaluation, and quality.


Brand loyal buying tendency: focus on brand recognition, brand image, brand perception, past-experience, references, conservative considerations, and steadiness


​Impulsive buying tendency: focus on emotional response, quick decision- making, and product aftraction; less patience for information, details, and complexity.


​Hedonistic buying tendency: focus on buying experience, communication, feeling of pleasure, creative and artistic aspects of product and selling.


Price/value buying tendency: focus on perceived opportunity, aftractive price, unique value, using a realistic, and communicative approach.

Employee Churn Predictor & Wellness

General Wellness

General Well Being score measuring the dimensions of energy, emotional state, stress indication, coping mechanism, and social state.


Reflects personal energy levels, vitality, engagement, and activity.

Stress Control

Reflects personal stress levels, anxiety, tension, and agitation.

Emotional State

Reflects personal emotional state: optimistic, hopeful, and positive versus pessimistic, sad and negative.

Social State

Reflects personal sociability, involvement, communication, outgoing.

Coping Mechanism

Reflects personal coping resources, proactivity, adaptability, resilience, and control.


Tendency to be cooperative, responsive, follow rules, respect agreements, compromise, seek for positive outcome, work together towards a common outcome.

Emotional Stability

Tendency to cope well, better handle stress, be stable at job and personal life.


Tendency to be diligent, thorough, careful, responsible, persistent, organized, obligated, self-disciplined

Loyalty Orientation​

​Tendency to be loyal, stable, long-term oriented, conventional, conservative, emotional attachment to company.


Worn-out state of mind, less energy, less coping resources, less stress tolerance, less stable at job and personal life.


Tendency to react to perceived circumstances, less concerned by formal obligations, take calculated risks, can stretch borders. An opportunist seizes every opportunity to improve things for himself, often at the expense of ethics or morals.

Personality Attribute​


Energetic, involved, enthusiastic, and outgoing.


Goal-driven, pro-active, confident, and persistent.


Loyal, responsible, follows rules, and cooperative.


​Communicative, reaching-out, socializing, expressive.


​Kind, responsive, understanding, willing to help.


​Adjusting to changes, accepts authority, identifies with group.


Imaginative, artistic, intuitive, seeks new experiences.


​Organized, planned, thorough, and consistent.


Energetic, active, outgoing, expressive, socially engaged.


​Gefting along with others, considerate, trustworthy, and compromising.


Diligent, thorough, careful, responsible, persistent, organized, obligated, self-disciplined.

Emotional stability

​Calm, cope well, stress tolerance, stable at job and personal life.


​Openness to new experiences, art, emotions, adventure, unusual ideas, imaginative, and curious

Candidate Success

Sales fit

Sales orientation: goal driven, pro-active, initiative, determined, persistent, prospect-oriented, building relationships, systematic networking, patience, coping with difficulties, negotiating and closing.

Management fit

Management orientation: motivated, ambitious, goal- driven, proactive, decisive, determined, confident, people-oriented, communicative, engaged, cooperative, trustful, systematic, planned, thorough, loyal, knowledgeable, insightful.

Customer service fit

Customer service orientation: cooperative, engaged, trusted, customer focused, service oriented, willing to assist, sensitive to customer experience, practical, systematic, informative, thorough.

Technology Fit

Technological orientation: analytical, investigative, problem solver, curious, knowledgeable, up-to date, insightful, self-learner, systematic, methodological, accurate, detailed, thorough, cooperative, team player.


​Energy and activity tendency: outgoing, action oriented, enthusiastic, optimistic, initiative, quick versus introversion, calmness, reserved, hesitation, steadiness, reflective, cautious


Ambition tendency: motivated, competitive, goal- driven, task-oriented, decisive, confident, control seeking, determined, persistent, and hard-working.


Sociability tendency: active communicators – participating, convincing, consulting, influencing, seeking feedback, enjoy social interactions, enjoys working with others, feels comfortable in large groups, tends to be open and personal.


Cooperation tendency: responsive, collaborative, trustful, understanding other viewpoints, team players, tend to be kind, caring and sensitive, willing to help, tend to follow rules, respect agreements, compromise, seek positive outcome, work to achieve common goals


​Systematic tendency: organized, planned, detailed, thorough, and consistent, seek task completion, tend to be methodological, long-term oriented, tend to prefer accuracy over speed.

Personal Integrity​

​Personal integrity tendency: loyal, responsible, tend to follow rules, accept authority, identify with group goals, comply with procedures and regulations


Adaptability tendency: adjusting to changes, coping, stress resilience, less affected by emotions, accept criticism, confident, calm, better handle difficulties and adjusting to demanding environments.


​Innovation tendency: curious, like to explore new ideas, future oriented, investigative, logical, initiative, like changes, and problem solving, may be critical


​Creativity tendency: imaginative, artistic, intuitive, tend to be unconventional, prefer unstructured environment, unique and original tasks, dislike routine, seek new experiences and willing to take risks, may be impulsive.


​Inquisitiveness tendency: Passion for knowledge, reading and studying, tend to be intellectual, well- informed, up-to date, insightful, interested in theoretical concepts, value formal education.


Tendency to be energetic, active, outgoing, expressive, socially engaged.


​Tendency to get along with others, be considerate, kind, trustworthy, helpful, compromise, seek positive outcome.


​Tendency to be diligent, thorough, careful, responsible, persistent, organized, obligated, self-disciplined.

Emotional stability

​Tendency to be calm, cope well, tolerate stress, be stable at job and personal life.


​Tendency to be open to new experiences, art, emotion, adventure, unusual ideas, imagination, curiosity

Candidate Success

General Well-being​

​A measurement combining all our wellness scores: stress, energy, emotional state, social state, and coping. We provide a daily (single data point) score for each dimension and the overall score combines these sub-scales


​The degree to which you feel overwhelmed or unable to cope as a result of pressures that are unmanageable. We provide a daily (single data point) score for this dimension.


​A measurement of activity, power, and physical vitality. We provide a daily (single data point) score for this dimension.

Emotional State

​A measurement of current internal emotional attitude: positive, negative, hopeful, sad, optimistic, or pessimistic. We provide a daily (single data point) score for this dimension.

Social State​

​Reflects current social involvement: communication, responsiveness, and outgoing attitude to provide a daily (single data point) score for this dimension.


​The Coping mechanism reflects inner capabilities: problem solving, adaptability, planning. We provide a daily (single data point) score for this dimension.

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