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SpecOPS Finder MK4

Life Detection Radar at a glance

Life Detection Radar at a Glance.

The FINDER MK4 is a heartbeat and respiration detection system designed for military, law enforcement and Search Rescue personnel mk-4 Finder can see through walls up to 18 inches thick and provides critical information about the presence of life and its location.

The Finder system assists search and rescue teams, firefighters and law enforcement to name a few, with a new tool This new tool is self contained, man portable and operates in all weather conditions. Our system has no setup time and is ready to scan instantly. Scan results are displayed in seconds. Our instant on system keeps the First Responder at a constant state of readiness.

This system is designed specifically for the aftermaths of catastrophic global events that result in collapsed buildings and other occupied infrastructures The system greatly enhances search times resulting in better use of valuable manpower management resources.

Finder Features


  • Scans & See thru walls and buildings and detect multiple heartbeats and respiration.
  • Scans small boats for stowaways and human trafficking.
  • Scans caves, tunnels, mines for terrorists and drug traffickers.
  • Scan containers, trucks, lorries.
  • Can be mounted on any robot for safe breaching.
  • Pre tactical assault provides verification if human life is inside buildings, vehicles, boats.
  • See thru multiple walls up to 18 inches thick.
  • Recover humans who have been held against their will.
  • Search & Rescue effective detection of trapped or injured people.
  • Breaching so law enforcement can plan for effective and safe entries.
  • Force Protection verify if humans are in the area.


  • Scan, and locate humans in collapsed buildings, trapped inside and under rubble.
  • Scan and locate humans in mines, caves, vehicles.
  • See thru multiple walls 18 inches thick to.
  • Scan for human life in avalanches, earthquakes, tornadoes.
  • Scan for lost humans, children, and Alzheimer patients in open areas to save human life.

A remotely operated system that searches for heart rate, respiration and movements of humans. This microwave radar uses unique algorithms which makes it possible to scan common construction materials, open spaces, voids and thresholds for signs of life.

This system uses a camera targeting system that automatically switches between conventional optics and infrared for day and night operations. The MK4 system is designed specifically to augment a human’s ability to detect life from a safe distance. This creates a layer of safety that keeps users away from harm.

The MK4 is sealed in a water tight IP67 shock proof case. If it is dropped in water it will float allowing for recovery and continuance of the users mission. The contents of the remote sensor package are protected by a sealed solid aluminium plate custom designed and fitted the engineers at Nanuk.

MK4 Software and Human Interaction Design Concepts

The MK4 operates on the most popular operating systems used today. Android, iOS, Linux, Mac OS and Windows devices to name a few. A simple downloaded connects the user to the device. The user interface has been designed to allow critical information to be found quickly. MK4 uses HCI “Human Interaction Concepts,” used in the aviation industry. This allows its user to focus on their mission and spend less time looking down.

​This man portable package is controlled remotely by using an on board encrypted wireless router up to 200 ft (60 m) away. Additionally, operating and monitoring the system can be accomplished by using the MK4 as an IoT device. Its IP Address and MAC ID can be added to modern radio networks that handle data.

The Finder MK4 is also vehicle or ground robot mountable. This system weigh in at 8 lbs (3.6 kg). Finder is powered by a 12v 10 amp SLA style battery. This power source provides up to 12 hours of standby time and up to 150 scans with a full charge.

By using this modern approach, a synergy is created between the user and the technology.

These concepts combined with colour coding used in FAA Air Traffic Control displays, add to the synergy between the user and the device.

A large annunciator HUD is located at the top most area of the user interface. This allows the user to quickly glance down to observe all the critical information in less than three seconds. Software updates will continually add new function to this system.

The MK4 is radar technology was created to detect signs of life. Every part of this system from designing circuit boards, software engineering, algorithms hardware and even the framework that holds it all together.

Generation IV – MODEL: MK4-100-00A1

  • System Type : Low Emitting Microwave Radar
  • Radar Type : Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Radar (FMCW)​
  • Radar Antenna Array : 6160 – T651 Aluminum Alloy CNC Formed Chassis & Cover Plate.
  • Beam Width/Height : Elevation 35 deg, Azimuth 70 deg.
  • Operating Wavelength : 3.15 GHz
  • Radioactivity : ICNIRP-1998 radiation exposure requirements compliant
  • Exterior Ethernet Port
  • Camera System : 2.0 Megapixel HD 1080p, 120 fps, automatic Night infrared switching.
  • WiFi : IEEE 802.11ac b/g/n [Wavelength Ranges 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz]
  • Power Supply : Charging system: 4-Cell, 2.8A @ 12.8V LiFePO4 Charger [110 – 240V]
  • Battery : LiFePO4 13.2V 5sh, 66Wh
  • Scans Per Charge : Up to 150 Scans
  • Standby Time : 12 Hours when remote sensor is left in the ON position.
  • Length of Scan : Approx. 1 Minute: 10 seconds
  • Target Types : Heart Rate, Respiration and Human Gross Movement Profiles
  • Display : System runs on common smart phone, laptop or tablet
  • Scanning Mass Types : Common construction materials
  • Clear Air Range Operation Range : 200ft (60m)
  • Temperature Range : -84° To +240°F [-64°C to +115°C]
  • Display : System runs on common smart phone, laptop or tablet
  • MK4 Remote Sensor Weight : 8 Lbs (3.6Kg.)
  • MK4 Remote Sensor Dimensions : 14.9 x 12.13 x 9.58″ [37.85 x 30.81 x 24.33cm]
System Advantages

Lightweight & Exquisite | Easy use

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Ligt and robust

The whole system is super light and compact. With the help of the unique design of integrated built-in sensors, it can carry out one-click data acquisition and achieve convenient scanning.
​The MK4 is sealed in a water tight IP67 shock proof case. If it is dropped in water it will float allowing for recovery and continuance of the usersmission. The contents of the remotesensor packageareprotected by asealed solid aluminum plate customdesigned and fitted the engineers at Nanuk.

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This man portable package is controlled remotely by using an on board encrypted wireless router upto 200ft (60m) away.
Additionally, operating and monitoring the system can be accomplished by using the MK4 asanIoT device. Its IP Address and MAC ID can be added to modern radio networks that handle data.
The Finder MK4 is also vehicle or ground robot mountable. This system weigh in at 8 lbs (3.6 kg). Finder is powered by a 12v 10amp SLA style battery. This power source provides up to 12 hours of standby time and up to 150 scans with a full charge.

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Operates on most devises

MK4 Software and Human Interaction Design Concepts.
The MK4 operates on the most popular operating systems used today. Android, iOS, Linux, MacOS and Windows devices to name a few. A simple downloaded connects the user to the device. The user interface has been designed to allow critical information to be found quickly. MK4 uses HCI “Human Interaction Concepts,” used in the aviation industry. This allows its user to focus on their mission and spend less time looking down.

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