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3D Mapping & Devices

3D Mapping & Devices – Microsoft

All data is hosted in Microsoft’s cloud storage azure environment, ensuring safe and permanent storage. FLORIAN also uses predefined services within the environment including automated Mayday calling capabilities.

Satellite Mapping – Esri

With Esri, FLORIAN offers highly customizable satellite maps. You can choose the map layer most suited to your incident.

Windows Device System Requirements
Android Wearable Device System Requirements
Android Device System Requirements
Android Device System Requirements



  • ​​Operator experiences for tablet, phone, watch, and laptop (offline capable)
  • Admin experiences for web (provision accounts & devices, monitor performance, analyze data)
  • Open REST API to push/pull your data
  • Integration utilities to push/pull your data Secure cloud environment

FLORIAN is optimized for devices with the following specifications:

3AM collaborates with top-tier technology partners and seamlessly integrates their services with FLORIAN®. Delivering the best in incident command software, resource tracking, situational awareness, and tactical planning capabilities. Our strength lies in working together, we strive to complement, rather than complicate or compete.

Mesh Network


Through integration with Hypha FLORIAN is able to create local networks, allowing communication and connectivity in any environment including in comms-denied areas.

Z-Axis Location


Through our integration with NextNav FLORIAN is able to show vertical location. Whether your personnel are below ground or several floors up you can locate them in an instant.

Telemetry Data

3M Scott Safety

Actively working with 3M Scott Safety to integrate with FLORIAN to deliver SCBA level data straight to the incident command center.


99.9% uptime with dedicated support Free software updates every 90 days

Technical and training services available


Every fire department has a unique set of needs. Our Product and Customer Experience teams at 3AM work along- side your teams to custom-build the right solution and ensure your requirements are met.


FLORIAN compiles vast information from multiple sources into a single incident view, delivering critical inputs to firefighters in critical moments. With FLORIAN, you can access up-to-date hydrant, map, building, hardware and community information with plug-and-play functionality. Reach out to 3AM for pricing, CAD integrations and other options – including personalized training for your department.